
Granola Games is a division of ATBOSH Media Limited and is affiliated with Lemming Labs Limited.

Currently we have no games of our own posted – that’s right – everything is in development with some big announcements coming in the Summer of 2022.

Jared Bendis, our lead developer, is Associate Professor and Chair of Game Design at the Cleveland Institute of Art and also teaches Game Design and Gaming Theory courses at Case Western Reserve University for the Departments of Art Studio and Cognitive Sciences.

With the permission of his students, he is using this site as an a ‘unofficial’ interactive gallery of their HTML5 arcade game projects.

A little bit about these projects.  While Game Design is generally a team sport, these projects were designed to teach students to be more self-sufficient in their design (& development) of video game projects based on the Golden Age of Arcade Games – Space Invaders & Pac-Man.

The games are created in GameMaker: Studio are presented here as desktop browser playable via HTML5.

For an even richer experience, I suggest this controller
and the Joy2Key software for Windows.